Sunday, May 12, 2013

Lessons in bonking and sunscreen

Today I learned: Don't bonk and Do wear sunscreen

I ventured out for what is my longest ride to date.  My mission was to get a good long training ride in preparation for my upcoming metric century.  I didn't care so much what the mileage was, but more that I spent 3 hours in the saddle with pedals turning. And I accomplished that over the course of 35 miles.

I've never done endurance sports til now, so it's interesting to have so much time alone in my head.  3 hours of riding is a very different beast then 15 minutes of Crossfit (and I love them both for that).  I've gotten a little frustrated with myself my last few rides, so I decided I needed a different mind set for this one, than something dawned on me.  I've spent many hours on a bike in the course of my life. But only in the last couple months have I been on a road bike.  Maybe I'm the only one that feels this way, but too me I feel like I am learning to ride all over again.  The bike responds to differently (and more dramatically) than a mountain bike and that has been intimidating.  So today instead of watching speed, cadence, and distance I road what felt safe and comfortable and practice things like getting my water bottle and looking back to check traffic.  I didn't push myself to go fast, I just let myself get cozy with my bike. It was the ride I've needed for awhile, and the mentality I need to maintain for a while longer while I keep learning.

I love riding if only so I can justify snacking on these delicious vanilla Honey Stinger waffles.

Unfortunately I shorted myself on fuel (snacks) and bonked in the last few miles before the house.  I made it home, but I thought I was going to be sick when I got home.  That was icky and no fun.  But a banana, gatorade, protein shake, and a nap and I'm feeling much better.

Endurance is a whole new beast, and I will not let it intimidate me.  I just need more snacks and some sunblock, then the world is mine!


  1. Learning how to occupy your mind for hours in the saddle is all part of it. Also, as you see, nutrition is another art to master, and so individualized. What works for others may not work for you but its all trial and error. I can't begin to tell you how proud I am to see you riding a road bike and learning the ups and downs of long-distance riding

  2. That is one of the best thing I love about training for endurance events. When you are out there for hours at a time (Especially on the bike for me) You have so much time to think. Glad to hear that you are taking it one step at a time. Trust me when I say that once you get comfortable on your bike and it feels like it is an extension of you the speed will come. Great job and keep it up!!!!!!

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