Sunday, March 10, 2013

21 Day Sugar Detox - Mission Accomplished!

Awesome and bombdiggity

Today is day 21, and I am done!  I did have a few slips/cheats through out the weeks, and by the last week I went back to having a glass of red wine in the evening, and I won't lie I am looking forward to a sweet treat tonight, but I definitely learned a lot:  

  • I learned that I feel better emotionally and physically without grain or sugar.  
  • I better tolerate being tired.
  • I don't have blood sugar crashes that leave me starving, shaky, and annoyed.  
  • I sleep great (though that wasn't a huge issue before)
  • I feel that I have more stamina for my workouts, and am getting better performance.
  • I am an emotional eater.  When I was tired, upset, or just kind of blue I wanted junk food, especially bakery type goods.

I lost 5 pounds, 2 inches off my waist and 1/2 inch off my hips.  I definitely feel leaner and closer to where I like to be aesthetically.  I didn't have any bloated or "fat" days which was very nice.  The photo differences aren't huge, but considering it was only 21 days, I can't complain.

21dsd before and after


Going forward my goal is to stay more on the paleo end of things (90/10), and to stay away from wheat/gluten.  I'm also going to look into some allergy testing out of curiosity sake.  I had allergy attacks on days that I had slip ups which makes me curious if I have more of an allergy issue.  But I concluded that regardless I definitely am gluten intolerant.  When I want to eat for emotional reasons I need to pick fats and proteins instead of donuts and cupcakes, and I need to be more aware of the temptations and mindless eating throughout the day.  

It's not a surprise to most people that the standard American diet isn't very good for us, I just don't think many folks really see how bad things are, and the unhealthy habits and emotions we have around food and our bodies.  All-in-all it was a worth while experience that I would recommend to everyone and I'm glad I stuck it out.



  1. Are you kidding me?! That's an incredible difference. Good job!!!

  2. Well done!! Thank you for sharing your story. 21 days doesn't seem long at all and with so many health benefits - and obvious ones from your pic (you look fantastic girl!!) - it's inspiring me more and more to do the detox. Thanks again. :) Kudos to you.

  3. Way to go! I can definitely see a difference in your physique, which is an added bonus to all the other benefits you listed!

  4. Way to go!! You look good! Five pounds the healthy (and sustainable) way is a LOT... keep it up!

  5. I'm also an Iraqi veteran. I was there from March 2004-2005. About two years ago I started developing allergies to gluten, dairy, and a few other things.

  6. 2 inches in your waist Awesome!!You can see the difference :))

  7. The photo differences are huge! You can see fat loss on your thighs and mid-section very easily, and your collar bones are a bit more pronounced. You look wonderful!

  8. unleash your thin is really great to help with finding out your allergy. Ive been on the program for 3 weeks today and feel amazingly better too. Some great recipes that are easy also. Keep up the great work

  9. what about meat??? can you eat this

  10. Yes you can definitely eat meat! Meat, veggies, nuts, and a little fruit was what I ate for the duration of the 21 day challenge. Check out For more about the detox.

  11. Awesome job, thank you for sharing.

    -possibly, gluten allergic

  12. this is great! You look fabulous and seem very positive! I just started the 21DSD today and I was wondering what you did regarding workouts?? let me know!! thank you!!
