Sunday, March 3, 2013

Two Weeks DONE!

Ops, didn't realize I'd gone all week without a post…  Well, I'm 2/3 of the way through my detox and feeling good.  I haven't weighed myself, going to wait til the very end.  But I can tell I am leaning back out, especially in the tummy region.  My skin is healthier looking and feeling.  And my energy is great.  It's been a demanding and emotional week at work, and I've been tired, but I still feel like I can think straight and keep moving forward.  Used to be a week like this and I'd be so overwhelmed I'd cry myself to sleep every night.  I've managed to get in a crossfit workout and a bike ride.  Both were tough, but felt good, and my recovery/next day sore was much less than I expected.

This week was mostly uneventful, I didn't prep very good at the beginning of the week, so I was scrambling a bit every day which may things difficult.  Ended up eating lots of yogurt, almond butter, and eggs….  On Wednesday I had an interesting experience.  My whole day was completely thrown out of whack by a kiddo in crisis (as to be expected working in counseling with teenagers)  But the time I got them taken care of and got to my evening class I had not had a chance to get food (as I had previous planned to do) so I ate what was there, and it was all wheat based stuff.  About an hour after eating I had a huge allergy attack: itchy eyes and skin, sneezing, running nose, etc.  It got so bad I had to take some Benadryl to keep from clawing my eyes out.  I know I'm allergic to a bunch of things, but I can't think of any of those things that I was exposed to in that time frame…  So I'm wonder if now that my system is clear of wheat/gluten that's what triggered the reaction.  I'm going to test this theory again in a week or so.  Or maybe get the allergy testing that I've been planning on getting for the last 2 years...

Yesterday morning I flat out cheated and had some syrup on my detox friendly pumpkin spice pancakes.  I won't lie, it was so delicious!  And I don't feel guilty about it.  :)

The biggest realization I've had over the last week is just really how much crap I use to eat.  Every where I turn at work is a bucket of candy or a box of donuts, and I'd eat them. If I'm in a hurry or tired, I resort to junk food.  I am an emotional eater more than I truly realized.  When I'm dragging ass tired, or feeling depressed and frustrated, I grab a donut and a bottle of juice.  The sugar rush makes everything feel better for a minute, but ultimately I'm still exhausted and depressed at the end of the day.  But when I took the 2 extra seconds to stuff my face with protein and healthy fats, I felt better at that moment and had to energy to keep moving forward.  Water and good fat (mostly avocado's this week) almost always cleared up my headaches.

I am an impulsive and emotional eater and I am going to have to move forward being much more aware of that.
Bath time
The only chocolate I need in life
....that's a lie, I need dark chocolate....
My favorite bit of milk chocolate!

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